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Orbiting Space Junk

Before Mrs. Koog came into my life I was like a piece of space junk orbiting the atmosphere, dangerously bumping into other junk. I wasn’t lost per se, I was just going around in a big circle. I thought I was in love with another woman, Island Girl, that lived outside of the US. Actually, she had just told me she was looking to move to the States when I met the Missus. We met online. It’s kind of funny, actually. A friend of mine saw the craziness of my orbit and took matters into her own hands. She signed me up for every online dating platform available in 2004. Match, Plenty of Fish, E-Harmony, even J-Date and I’m not Jewish! I was amused and mildly annoyed at my friend after telling her I met and liked Island Girl. I thought I’d taken all the profiles down and on Valentine’s Day 2005 I got an email. Except, I wasn’t there to receive it, I was on my way to visit Island Girl. After my visit I returned home to an email from this new girl. There was no photo. Ick. I’m self aware eno

Day 30: London—>LHR—>IAD—>Home

How can we be going home when it feels like we just arrived? These magical 30 day gave us so many core memories and so many more laughs. The UK and the Republic of Ireland is an amazing place filled with just salt of the earth people. It’s cliche, but I’m going home changed. Not just because I have a raging rash from COVID, but because I feel like a piece of my heart will remain here, specifically North Wales, but the UK nonetheless. But, we have no time for long, sentimental goodbyes as we need to vacate the flat of 1000 steps by 10am! Our flight is not until 7pm, but considering the fragile health of the family we are going to Heathrow and relaxing there until it’s time to board. We have no energy to walk around outside with 5 suitcases and 4 backpacks. Our Airbnb host allowed us to leave our bags in the flat until 11 so we could get a bite to eat for breakfast before heading to LHR. We found a super cute al fresco breakfast cafe and bakery. Mrs. Koog and the boys had baked goods

Day 29: London—>Leavesden—>London

Here we are, the last full day of our amazing UK holiday. Before leaving the US, we purchased ridiculously expensive (£750.00) tickets to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in Leavesden, just outside of London. They will not consider a refund and we were advised to just come anyway. B-Koog was on the upswing, I was not feverish and E and Mrs. Koog were healthy. So, we all donned masks, hailed a car and rode to Leavesden. The driver dropped us off in front of Warner Bros. Studio and we walked into the building. I started to feel very lightheaded and dizzy simultaneously, the alarms on both my phone and Apple Watch were blasting. Apparently due to the mask, my O2 levels were below 90%. We found a corner near the door and sat down so I could take some deep breaths. I enquired again about a refund since now I could not wear a mask without oxygen deprivation. Still no refund or even a credit for when we return next summer. So, I did my best…I had my mouth covered and kept my nose out and stayed

Day 28: Dover—>London

We woke up tied to the pier in Dover. Disembarkation day. I don’t have the best luck on debarkation day… The last time the boys and I had a disembarkation day was in NYC in April as the end of our spring break Caribbean Cruise. That fateful morning in April, E-Koog had been sick all night and Mrs. Koog was getting ready to head to the front desk to see if we could get off early so as to not spread norovirus among our co-travelers. The 5am conversation went like this: Mrs. Koog: “Koog, where are my pants?” Me (still in a sleep coma): “I don’t understand” Mrs. Koog: “I don’t have my pants. Where are my pants?” Me: “I don’t understand” Mrs. Koog (frantically searching drawers, closet, under beds and in backpacks): “I. DO. NOT. HAVE. PANTS. WHERE. ARE. MY. PANTS?” Me: “You don’t have pants?” Mrs. Koog (annoyed and amused) “Correct, I do not have pants.” So, as to not duplicate this conversation as we prepared to disembark this cruise, I have emergency pants for all of us hidden

Day 27: Sea Day

Well, that was an exciting night! We got underway late due to some jack wagons at a pub about 500 yards from the ship that didn’t want their day to end. Not kidding, probably the 4 most disliked people on board. As soon as we pulled away from the dock and moved into the channel, it was game on. I was tracking the maritime forecast on an app and was pretty unnerved when I saw our course right through the red part of Storm Betty. Talking with Mrs. Koog tonight I mentioned the 15 foot waves. She clarified, the waves were 15 meters (45-ish feet). Now things started to make sense. That would explain how my stateroom on the 4th guest deck got hit with a wave. On deck 5, 2 or 3 cabins aft from mine had a glass pane shattered by the wave and they also lost a deck chair. The ship sounded like it was being pulled apart. I bet you are wondering if the kids were scared. Honestly, no. The Circle C kids club had some activities for them in the clubhouse. Each kid basically had a counselor that w

Day 26: Ship—>Cobh/Cork—>Ship

While the little Koogs slept soundly, sleep eluded me most of the night. The head cold/sinus situation got worse. I think I was feverish in the middle of the night due to the intense body aches. A few warm showers throughout the night seemed to help break the fever, and sometime after 4:30 am, I was finally free of body aches and sleeping. We were on our own today, so there were no crazy early wake-ups necessary for the three sleep deprived travelers. We slept in until approximately 8:15 (late for us) and leisurely got dressed and ready to head into Cobh. For those that don’t know, and I didn’t until I saw the itinerary for this trip, Cobh (pronounced Cove) is part of County Cork and about 25 miles-ish from the city. Looking outside from our balcony, the clouds were ominous but it was not too cold nor raining. Always prepared, we donned our waterproof pants, shoes/boots and rain jackets descended the 3 flights to disembark at beautiful Cobh. The security guy on the gangway made

Day 25: Ship—>Dun Laoghaire/Dublin—>Ship

For ease of reading, I will give you the pronunciation of Dun Laoghaire. It’s Dun Lerry. You are welcome. Well, we had a silent night last night! Seems like the switching of the beds was the trick for B-Koog. According to E-Koog he didn’t sleep for even 5 minutes. His very loud snorting told another story. As for me, I’ve now developed a head cold. So, while the night was silent it was not restful. First order of business once we get to Dublin is a pharmacy. I was up early as my throat felt like I swallowed knives and my nose felt like I’dstuffed my dirty laundry up in there. We have to tender from the ship to the port in Dun Laoghaire. To keep the gangways clear and safe, anyone going ashore has to have a boarding group. The instructions were to be at the main desk no earlier than 7:15 to queue up for the boarding tickets. Since I was awake, I headed downstairs to get ready to queue at 6:50. Good thing I did since they had just started to give out the boarding tickets. We ended u

Day 24: Ship—>Liverpool—>Ship

Ah, again with the middle of the night shenanigans from B-Koog. Starting at 2 am and continuing hourly until approximately 6 am, he woke me up to tell me he was not sleeping. I am not friendly when awakened from a dead sleep. I was less friendly the 3rd time. Homicidal the 4th time. He and E-Koog are swapping beds tonight. I also gave him a dire warning about waking me up. Just don’t! I have not really slept in about 10 days and I’m very ornery and I control many things that make your life amazing. I can make it not amazing, also. E-Koog suggested we try to sell him, I’m not there yet. But I will reevaluate tomorrow. We were all up and ready by 9 and headed off the ship and into Liverpool. All 3 of us clad in Everton Blue! We received fist bumps and high fives from the port staff who also support the Blues! Apparently there is another team here in Liverpool besides the Blues, but we don’t speak their name. Our itinerary was touristy and trite, but I’ve waited a half century to do i

Day 23: Port Belfast—> Giant’s Causeway—>Port Belfast

The middle of the night antics of the exhausted continued this morning at approximately 3:45 am. We each have our own twin bed in the stateroom. B-Koog’s is the convertible bed and is perpendicular to mine with his head closer to my head. For some reason, he felt compelled to check on me in the middle of the night. Like some strange proof of life was needed at 3:45am. His way of “not disturbing” me was to stare into my face to see if I was breathing. Nope, not creepy at all. I could feel someone/something looking at me. When I am startled awake, I swing in whatever direction the startle was felt. B-Koog almost got it in the head! Luckily, I was able to stop mid-swing. His response? “Why did you almost hit me? I was just staring at you while you slept to see if you were awake.” You lucked out, kid. Talk with Mrs. Koog about the near misses she’s lived through! Back to sleep we all went until 8am when the alarm went off to begin our day at Giant’s Causeway. Both boys were exhausted and

Day 22: Greenock-->Stirling-->Greenock

The day started at about 3:30am with B-Koog gently waking me because he had some pain in his legs. I asked him what kind of pain and he said they felt like they were on fire, as did his eyes. At first, not keenly awake yet, I was worried. He then explained that he used approximately 3 gallons of Tiger Balm on his legs and, forgetting to wash his hands, he touched his eyes. I did something similar once with Zostrix. It’s made from capsaicin pepper. I didn’t know this when I slathered it all over my legs, feet and because I was not thinking, my face and eyes. My entire body felt like I was on fire. My poor guy had the same thing last night. His legs and eyes were bright red and he probably would have cried if he had any moisture in his eyes for tears! I hosed him down in a cool shower, eyes and all. He felt better and we quickly fell back to sleep. We had a more proper wake up around 8:30 when my bagpipe music phone alarm rang. Each of us got up easily and ran to the balcony to see the

Day 21: Ship—>Caernarfon Castle—>Holyhead—>Ship

After taking 3 travel sickness pills last night and sleeping for about 10 hours, I woke up right as rain! We had to meet our tour to Caernarfon Castle at 8:15, so we were all up and ready by 7. Soon after I used the app to get a table for breakfast, I was notified our table was ready and we headed down and ordered. The waiter misunderstood my order and brought me a single banana. Oh well. We finished our breakfast and headed to the meeting place for our excursion. I have to give Carnival props for their level of organization. We were checked into the holding area, the large theater, and given a number for our bus/tour. Then they called the numbers and we all walked to our buses and boarded. Orderly and organized, just as I like it! We were the first ones to our bus and were able to get the front seat as B and I were still on the razor's edge of motion sickness. The entire bus was delayed for 2 stragglers. As they got onto the bus, the elderly woman made a snide comment about me

Day 20: Sea Day

We were all very happy to have no reason for an early wake up, I think we slept until 8:45. Boys headed to the buffet for breakfast and I went to the main dining room. Not a fan of any buffet. Nice breakfast omelet, bacon rashers and a pot of hot water since I brought my own Glengettie tea from home. I met up with the boys and we headed to the sports bar to watch the Women’ World Cup matches. We saw Australia beat France and the Lionesses from England beat Colombia. Hard to pick favorites because all the women have worked so hard, but I was pulling for the Lionesses! Shortly after the game, we attended the art auction. I was suckered into another piece of art. Mrs. Koog will be happy because it was on sale! During the auction, the water started to get very nautical and B-Koog and I were low key sea sick. As soon as the auction concluded, we headed back to the room to sleep off our nausea. What a nap, it was 2 hours! We both woke up refreshed and it was time to properly use the App

Day 19: London—>Dover—>Ship

At 5:15 I heard the sweetest little voice saying, “Momma, it’s time to get up. We get on the ship and have unlimited soda for the next 10 days!” E-Koog has been counting the days for the cruise ever since I told him about the ultimate bottomless soda package I got for him and B-Koog. He was so excited about this drink package, he went through our flat to make sure everything was packed up. Emptied all the garbage and took the garbage to the curb per the check-out instructions. At this point, B-Koog was up and equally excited  about soda day. He put the remaining dishes in the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen counter and set the bags up in the hall all ready for us to head out. By 6:30, everyone was dressed and packed and the flat was ready for check-out. We headed across the street to the Costa Coffee for some tea and porridge for me and 2 cokes and freeze dried strawberries for the boys. I know this is not a breakfast that Mrs. Koog would sanction, but our Adult was on her own adve

Day 18: London

Wow, day 18 already? Doesn't seem real. We are more than half way through our big UK vacation-palooza. Every moment has been amazing. Let me not exaggerate, most moments have been amazing. The others are a mix of abject terror (driving) and annoyance (twin 12 year olds bickering). So many more amazing than not, though. It really has been magical. Today the reality of being 2/3 of the way through was in focus. Very early this morning, Mrs. Koog kissed us goodbye and headed to her train that took her to Gatwick Airport for a plane that took her to Croatia to meet her sisters and friend for the 50th birthday yacht/bike extravaganza. The boys and I were relieved when she called as soon as she landed safely. As for us, we spent the day in London shopping and chatting and riding the tube. The kids are very familiar with the Tube now and pretty much navigate me through the underground stations. Today, we headed from Farringdon to Knightsbridge to Harrod's! As I was talking to the

DAY 17: London

So, my day started at 3am when I had to leave the bed and head to the tiny loveseat sofa again. The topper the property manager got for our bed was just the mattress from the sofa bed. So at 3am, me and Mrs. Koog moved said mattress back to the sofa bed so I could sleep on the loveseat. Total hours of sleep was 4. As much as I really like London, I cannot wait to leave and get proper sleep! Our main priority today was to ship our box of souvenirs and stuff we don't need for the remainder of the trip home. We looked up the DHL service point and it was .3 miles from our flat. Awesome! So we grabbed the 12lb box and walked the .3 miles to the DHL place. And the least knowledgeable shipping lady worked there and literally had no idea how to ship this box. We were literally at DHL. They ship things as a business, yet this lady had no idea. Frustrating. So, we grabbed our 12lb box and walked the .3 miles back to the flat to regroup. We found a different service, DPD, and made it nearly

Day 16: London

Well, today was a better day considering sleep happened last night. The tiny loveseat was better than the bed. Mrs. Koog's side of the bed seems better than the side I was on, so she opted to stay in the bed and also got a decent night's sleep. The boys, well, they traded beds with Mrs. Koog and it was no bueno for the guys. Hopefully, we will hear from the management company before they hear from me again. We headed to the Tube again this morning and got on the train to Greenwich. On the agenda was the Maritime Museum, National Observatory and Prime Meridian. Also on the agenda, rain. Luckily, we still have all our waterproof clothes, so we were dry and trekked on throughout the day. As we arrived at the Farringdon Tube station around the corner from the flat, we got a note from the management company apologizing for the unsleepable beds and they let us know they would be around to the flat today to deliver mattress toppers. Excellent! The boys enjoyed the ride on the Tube,